
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
EP 44 Talking with Ron about the NRA and holiday stuff
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
On this episode of the 2A Lifestyle we have my buddy Ron from Save the Second joining us to go over whats been going on the gun community. In this episode we talk about the adoption of the new Sig LPVO in the US Military, we find out that Canada is still using Hi Power pistols, We discuss the NRA and the state it's in as well as what can be done to hep reform it, along with some new product releases that have been talk in the gun community as well as giving some holiday gift guides. In the product news and reviews we discuss some new suppressors that are hitting the market and the Swampfox Patriot scope. In the gun culture segment we talk about how Marky mark goes 22 miles in Mile 22.
Check out our sponsor at coldwarconcealment.com and find that perfect holster for a great holiday gift.

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
EP 43 Talking with TacCat about SHOT Show and the Election
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Welcome to another episode of 2A Lifestyle. On this episode we have my buddy Mike from TacCat on to discuss his social media woes with censoring. We also discuss SHOT Show being cancelled and what that means to the gun community and, yes I'm sorry, the election and what it could mean to the gun community and what to do from here. In the gun gear segment we have a bunch of neat products that have come out to discuss as well as a new rifle of mine. In the gun culture segment we discuss everyone's favorite motorcycle series and talk about all the guns in Sons of Anarchy.
Be Sure to check out our sponsor at coldwarconcealment.com and listen to the episode for a 20% off code.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
EP 42 Is this Halloween or just 2020?
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
On this episode we talk about some of the gun agenda that being passed around the country. Everything from the election, the judicial proceedings, the Supreme Court confirmation and much more. We also talk about some of the ATF internal memos that have been leaked which put gun owners and manufacturers in a bind. In the gun gear section we talk about bayonets, AR training tools, and some new hearing pro that we have put to the test. And finally in the gun culture segment we talk about some of the best Halloween movies out there that have a large showing of different types of firearms.
Check out our sponsor Cold War Concealment on social media and at coldwarconcealment.com

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
EP 41 Launching with Rocket City Stippling
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
On this episode we had a great time talking with Jeck of Rocket City Stippling. We discuss a lot of the shooting sports thats finally kicking off with Covid restrictions letting up around the country. We talk about some possible gun control being readied to be pushed down our throats with the presidential election coming around the corner. We also discuss the ATF letter to Q LLC in regards to the Honey Badger Ordinance pistol. In the gun gear section we discuss some amazing car accessories for your gun gear and some new lights coming out. In gun culture we discuss the best 80s cop comedy with Axel Foley.
Thanks to our sponsor Cold War Concealment. Check them out at coldwarconcealment.com.

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this episode we bring some of the news from around the gun industry and community. We talk about JJE (the parent company of Palmetto State Armory) buying a portion of Remington in their bankruptcy auction. We also talk about the potential new supreme court judge, Amy Barrett, and her beliefs on the Second Amendment and other constitutional issues that the second amendment community seems to have concerns over. In the gun gear section we talk about some optics that are coming out and some that we have reviewed. Also in the gun culture segment we talk about some bad ass Jews in the movie Defiance.

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
EP 39 The Deets about Self Defense Insurance
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
In this episode we talk about the ins and outs of self defense insurance. We've talked about its necessity but we break down what you need to look for when shopping for self defense insurance and some of the major companies that offer it and what they offer in what we think is whats necessary to look for. We discuss some of the good the industry is doing in their respective communities and the elections on the presidential election and the NRA board of directors in the upcoming NRAAM. In the product news and reviews we discuss a new optic ready M&P, a new surefire light, and the Walker Silencer Bluetooth earbuds. In the gun culture segment we discuss discuss one off he best bank heist movies out there with Inside Man.
Check out our sponsor Cold War Concealment at coldwarconcealment.com and let them know we sent you.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
EP 38 Kenosha Kyle and NRA Josh
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
On today's episode we talk about the two big stories in the gun news which is the new explosive book coming out from the former NRA number 2 Josh Powell talking about how corrupt the gun organization has become, and the self defense shooting in Kenosha involving Kyle Rittenhouse and what he can learn from it as gun owners. We also talk about the struggles on those gun owners in less free states such as California and New Jersey. We also talk about how to purchase guns and ammunition online if your local gun store is a little bare. In the product news and reviews we talk about some cool gun accessories from Pelican and the big oof from Trijicon and the kind of big oof from Glock in the 43X MOS. In the gun culture segment we talk about how impossible a mission is from the movie Mission Impossible Fallout available on HULU.
Check out our great sponsor Cold War Concealment at coldwarconcealmenr.com

Monday Aug 24, 2020
EP 37 Meme Lord Shooters and Standard Capacity Magazines
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
On this episode of the 2A Lifestyle we talk about a contest where several gun pages and ourselves are having a contest looking for a shooter involved in the shooting sports as well as other sponsored shooters that have taken home some wins. We also talk about Wayne LaPierres response to the New York AG call for the NRA's dissolution and the recent legal win(?) in the 9th Circuit finding California magazine limits unconstitutional and what can happen next. In the Gun News and Reviews we talk about my favorite gun tool brands, Real Avid, new product coming out, Glocks new release, my saga with Walker's Silencer Bluetooth Earbuds and more. Finally in the Gun Culture segment we talk about the movie that every real 90's kids favorite game was based on, 007 Goldeneye.
Thanks to our sponsor Cold War Concealment. Check them out at coldwarconcealment.com.
Be sure to like and follow our social media at Facebook and Instagram. Subscriber wherever you listen to the podcast and leave us a review. Also check out our new website at 2alifestyle.com to keep up to date with the latest.

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
EP 36Are we seeing the end of the NRA/
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Welcome to a new episode of 2A Lifestyle. We are happy to announce the launch of our new website, so check it out at 2alifestyle.com In this episode we talk about another record month of gun sales and how to keep the Second Amendment strong. We also talk about the possible end of the NRA and what it could mean to the Second Amendment and the gun community. We also discuss other new stories in the gun community and mention a rising star in the shooting sports. In the gun news and reviews we mention some new optics from Holosun and a new cool pocket tool from Real Avid. In the gun culture segment we talk about some news about a staple in the gun culture and a documentary about the Killdozer.
Huge shout out to our sponsor Cold War Concealment, check them out at coldwarconcealment.com or on Facebook and Instagram under cold war concealment.

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
EP 35 To reload or not to reload that is the question?
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
On this episode we talk about the news that is going on in the gun industry as usual but wee also talk about the current ammo shortage and what you can do to help yourself with reloading. In the gear news and reviews we talk about some new releases in the firearms accessories market and we talk about the review on the Glock 44 and the CMMG ar 15 22 LR conversion kit that can help you keep training while also keeping the ammo cost to a minimum. In the gun culture segment we talk about the new Netflix release The Old Guard and let me tell you this is an amazing movie that you will want hear discussed and see.
Thanks to our sponsor Cold War Concealment and check them out at coldwarconcealment.com