
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
EP 34 Is that You Rona?
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
In this episode I talk about how I am diagnosed with Covid 19 and how the pandemic and the riots have continued to boost gun sales at an all time high and how we now have a whole class of new gun owners who don't have any firearms familiarization. We discuss some setbacks to our rights in Colorado and some new shenanigans by the House on the federal level. In the gun gear news and reviews we discuss some new products by meprolight, faxon firearms, and midwest industries to name a few and we discuss a budget option to pelican cases at harbor freight. In the gun culture we talk about John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, and Halle Berry in Swordfish.
Check out our sponsor Cold War Concealment at coldwarconcealment.com

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Ep 33 SCOTUS and how the world is changing for Gun Owners.
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
On this episode we talk about the shooting sports and some winners at the Tactical USPSA Match. We talk about the Supreme Court screwing over our rights, and how we as 2A supporters are going to have to handle it. We also talk about how some of the recent events that are happening in our crazy world are effecting us as gun owners. In our gun gear news and reviews we talk about some new self defense ammunition, Angel Armor, and a crazy black powder shotgun that is being released. In the culture segment we talk about how you can be more like Burt Gummer in Tremors.
We thank our sponsor Cold War Concealment and ask that you go show them some love at coldwarconcealment.com

Monday Jun 08, 2020
EP 32 As a 2A LEO
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
In this episode we talk about what has gone on in our nation from a perspective of a gun advocate and a law enforcement officer. We also discuss how politicians are using the civil unrest in our country to usurp our civil rights. We discuss what we as gun owners and advocates can do to come out unified. We will discuss new gear comng out and we review the new OWB holsters from Cold War Concealment. In the culture segment we will observe and report.
We thank our sponsor Cold War Concealment, check them out and their new series of OWB kydex holsters.

Sunday May 10, 2020
EP31 Dont tread on me eh? (Special GUest TacCat and talk about Canada)
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
On this episode I have Michael from TacCat on as a panelist. We talk about the gun control pushes in certain places and we talk about the gun rights victories in places like Virginia and Maryland. We also talk about the ridiculous and nonsensical gun control law shoved down the throats of our neighbors to the north. In the gun gear news and reviews we talk about a new CZ that optic ready and also some great EDC gear that I've had for a while now. In the culture segment we talk about a great movie on Netflix, Extraction. We are sponsored by Cold War Concealment. Use 2ALIFESTYLE10 for 10% off, code is good until May 31.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
EP 30 Tearing down the wall with Cold War Concealment
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
On this episode of 2A Lifestyle we talk to our new sponsor, Cold War Concealment. We discuss stories in the gun community like the wins ni gun rights in certain states and setbacks in others. We also discuss how slimy politicians are using the pandemic to push gun control in under the noses of the populace. In the gear review we talk about some Sig 320 upgrades and we discuss a stab proof hoodie. In the culutrue segment we discuss some books to shore up some of your knowledge on firearms.
Cold War Concealment also has given us a special discount code for 2A Lifestyle listeners. 2ALIFESTYLE10 will give you 10% off at coldwarconcealment.com

Monday Apr 13, 2020
EP 29 Can I get those Hollow Points with that?
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
On this episode we talk about how the gun control politicians are using the pandemic to push their gun control agenda behind the media coverage of the COVID 19 pandemic. We also talk about how the ATF is allowing it easier for gun shops to sell guns, wait what??? We also discuss how CZ is partnering with IPSC to help the gun community to help shooting competitions in handguns become better. And finally we discuss how shooting matches can make you a better shooter and make connection in your local gun community. In the gun gear segment we talk about some ammo and hearing protection deals as well as FN's new midsize gun and how you can make your own HALO alien style gun. Finally we ask "You think I'm funny? Do I amuse you?" in the culture segment as we talk about the guns in Goodfellas.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
EP 28 Quarantining with Mantis X
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
On this episode we are quarantining with Mantis X. We talk about the company and how they have developed one of the best technological firearms training tools for every shooter of every level. We talk about the continued effect of COVID-19 on the firearms community and how some companies are using their companies to help with the COVID-19 impact in their area. We also discuss how some gun control politicians are using this pandemic to their goals of denying gun enthusiast their firearm rights. In the gear news and reviews we discuss some new firearms and parts that have come out that you can use for any future builds you might have coming. Finally in the culture segment we discuss some firearms used in the new Call of Duty game and also some litereature you can keep yourself busy with while you are being quarantined.

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
EP 27 My, My, My Corona! (How the corona virus is effecting the gun community)
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
On this Coronovirus episode we talk about how the pandemic is having everyone lose their minds and hows its effecting the gun community. We talk about mass gun and ammo buying and how you can better prepare yourself in the gun community. We also go into what you can do as a gun enthusiast if you are stuck in a quarantined house. Finally we go into how preparedness and the gun community should go hand in hand and how to better prepare yourself for future problems that can arise and disrupt your life. In the gear section its the year for sub compact handguns and discuss some good range clothing that we have reviewed. And in the culture segment we talk about the movie Outbreak because why not????

Monday Mar 02, 2020
EP 26 Oh Canada, Oh you BA (gun rights victories for once)
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
In this episode of 2A Lifestyle we talk about some major headway that the gun rights community is making not only in the United States but also to our neighbors up north. We talk about bills being introduced in state legislatures across the country where if you live there you need to contact your local reps and make sure they vote for your gun rights. We also discuss some potential precedent setting gun control measures being proposed in New Jersey. In the gun and gear segment we talk about some Gucci items. And finally in the culture segment we talk about my favorite scy fy comedy and how old country makes my and their heads explode in Mars Attack!!!!!!

Monday Feb 17, 2020
EP 25 The Gun Control Sh*t Sandwich
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
On this episode we talk about the shooting sports and some amazing skill that has happened in the shooting sports community. We also talk about how the gun control agenda is being pushed down our throats across the country and how the gun community is fighting back and what we can do. We also discuss some stories where we give examples of how not to be "that guy". In the gun products we talk about the new options being brought to market for red dot shooters and in the culture segment we go Narcos.